Naar inhoud springen

Remote Sensing of the Environment

Uit Atlas Examenwiki
Course Information
Courses and exams
ProfSmets Benoît
CoursesLectures and practicals
ExaminationOral exam and PRAC report
When?2nd term

This course is new since 2022. Smets is very friendly during the exam!




Definitions (3 pp):

  1. SAR Coherence
  2. DIC
  3. Sentinel-5P (Tropomi)
  4. Interior orientation
  5. FRP
  6. Landat 8 (OLI)
  7. Nadir
  8. SAR
  9. Sentinel-2 (SLSTR)
  10. BTD

Explain image (1pp):

  • Image of passive and active sensor + atmospheric distrubances
  • Image of corner reflextion
  • Image of  distortion and residual map
  • Image of clouds and ash (BTD)

Explain Method (1pp):

  • SAR Interferometry
  • Thermal hotspot detection
  • InSAR


You have to explain 3 definitions, one image and one method per student by drawing cards. The examples below were all asked during the oral exam:

Definitions (per 3):

  1. Azimuth and range direction
  2. ESA
  3. GOES-17
  1. BTD
  2. Photogrammetry
  3. Sentinel-1
  1. Nadir
  2. SAR
  3. Sentinel3-SLSTR
  1. Interferrometric phase unwrapping
  2. SfM
  3. Sentinel-2

Explain image:

  • Image of DEM and dense point cloud of volcano
  • Image of atmospheric disturbance
  • Image of digital image correlation (+can you see vertical displacement? No)
  • Image of earth radiation budget
  • Image of Notre dame and lines (image matching)

Explain method:

  • Hotspot detection (Wien's law and NTI)
  • SfM and MVS (+ difference tie point and point in sparse point cloud)
  • Volcanic ash detection
  • SAR inferrometry