Global Environmental Politics
Courses and exams | |
Prof | Biedenkopf Katja Delbeke Jos |
Courses | Lectures and seminars |
Examination | Written exam and paper/project |
Background | |
Credits | 6 |
When? | 1st term |
ECTS | Link |
The end result is a weighted score that is determined as follows:
- Exam: 60%
- Seminar assignment: 20%
- Reflection paper: 20%
- What is Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)? In which international protocol is this the central forcus and what are the main elements of ABS in this protocol? 4 points out of 20
- What is environmental justice? Please mention and explain 3 types of environmental justice. 4 points out of 20
- How does the Basel Convention address environmental justice? Please identify and describe the injustices that the convention aims to address and explain how it addresses them. 12 points out of 20
There were different versions to this exam.
- International Climate Negotiations (600 words, 50% of the marks):
- (a) What are the challenges of international climate negotiations?
- (b) Which factors can explain the challenges?
- (c) How can they be overcome?
- (d) Illustrate your answer by describing a clear example.
- Please describe the chemicals regime complex (600 words, 50% of the marks).
- (a) What are the different elements?
- (b) How are they linked?
- (c) How would you assess the interaction management that takes place within this regime complex?
- Compare global regimes of chemicals and biodiversity, what are the similarities and differences? discuss on 4 topics.
- What are the difficulties in multilateral comprehensive environmental negotiations? Give and explain 4 challenges.
- Give and explain 4 possibilities to increase the chance of succes in environmental negotiations.
- Global environmental negotiations are complex and environmental regimes interact with eachother. Give and explain 2 examples of regimes interacting with eachother.
- What is institutional interaction? Give a clear and concise description (10%)
- Why is institutional interaction so important in environment/climate domain? Mention and discuss 2 examples (20%)
- What are the problems in comprehensive ambitious environment/climate negotiations? Mention and discuss 4 problems (20%)
- Which methods, procedures, mechanisms are there that can make comprehensive ambitious environment/climate agreements more easy to achieve, or even replace them? Discuss 2 methods/procedures (20%)
- Is the EU an environment/climate leader? Why would you consider the EU a leader or not? Mention and discuss 2 examples of why the EU is a leader or not (30%)
- What is a (environmental) regime?
- Which tools exist to analyze regime effectiveness
- What is environmental justice
- Give 2 examples of regime which are using the concept of environmental justice
- Which country did you represent during the simulation game?
- Give your opinion about the dynamics of negotiations during the simulation game and relate this to the dynamics of negotiations in the real world.
- Regimes are not always effective. Give 1 example of a regime that was replaced by regional/subject agreements.