Master of Geology
Truncus communis
- Geology and Society
- Research Methods
- Sedimentary System Analysis
- International Integrated Field Course
- Geological Mapping
Major: Geosciences
- Micropaleontology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction
- Applied Mineralogy
- Advanced Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
- Environmental Change
- Ore-Forming Processes
- Archaeometry
- Microtectonics
Elective courses
- Milieurecht
Metals: Production and Recycling |
Earth Observation |
Advanced Biological Data Analysis |
Global Environmental Politics |
Numerical Modelling |
Planetary Geology |
Dredging Technology for Civil Engineers |
Research Seminars |
Grondmechanica en funderingstechniek |
Biogeography and Macro-ecology |
Advanced Micropaleontology |
Geofluïds |
Geology: a Human Perspective |
Introduction to Geotechnics |
Dredging and Offshore Constructions |
Global Biogeochemical Cycles |
Geochronological Methods in Practice |
Leadership for Geoscientists |
3D Digital Rocks |
Science Communication and Outreach |
Management of Soil and Groundwater Contamination |
Geology of the Precambrian |
Clay Mineralogy |
Integrated Offshore Exploration |
Globale uitdagingen voor een duurzame samenleving |
Geohazards |
Geothermal Energy |
Dare to Venture |
Dare to Start |
Evolution of Primates and Paleo-anthropology |
Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach |
Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving |