Environmental Change
Verstraeten (2h, open book)
- Many say that landscapes have shifted from a nautre-dominated landscape to a anthropogenic-dominated landscape. Can you give examples to support this statement from what we have seen during the excursion in the Amblève region? Refer to useful figures in the field guide (add figure number and page). ( /8)
- Given is a graph of the reconstruciton of the anthropogenic vegetation in the Dijle catchment created by the KK10, HYDE 3.1 and Reveals models. Explain how this graph was created for every model. What is the difference between those models (what explains the variance between the graphs)? ( /6)
- A delta 18O curve is given for the past 3 million years. ( /3)
- a) How is this curve constructed (where are the data coming from - which proxy is shown)?
- b) What does it represent with relation to environmental change (what is the meaning of the proxy)?
- c) What controls delta 18O (why does it change)?
- Explain the Anthropocene in 10-15 lines to a non-specialist. Use lines for evidence and propose a moment in time as the start of the Anthropocene. It should be like a short newspaper or blogpost. ( /3)
Huybrechts (1h, closed book)
- Water vapour is not considered a forcing of the climate but more as a feedback system. Why is that and explain this feedback mechanism.
- Explain young faint paradox.
- What is airborne fraction CO2? How much is it and why?
- Why does climate significantly increase even if emissions CO2 go down to zero?
- How do we stay below 2°C warming? Explain the advantages and disadvantages.
- Covid 19 had almost no effect, why is that?
- What is the West Antarctic tripping point?
- Explain Svensmark hypothesis.
- The earth is in a radiative imbalance, explain this. Where is the excess heat stored and what is direct effect of it.
- Explain short why CO2 concentrations are not due to volcanic release of CO2
- Something about exctinctions. Give three examples of climate change major impacts on ecosystems.
- Some statement. Right/wrong? (forgot, sorry)
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